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Winkhaus Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

Valid from 20/08/2022

The following statement describes the measures taken by the Winkhaus Group to prevent all forms of modern slavery and human trafficking and child labour for 2021. The financial year corresponds to the calendar year.


With innovative products and competent service Winkhaus has been convincing its customers for over 160 years. All over the world, window manufacturers and dealers, architects, building owners and users appreciate the high quality of intelligent window technology, door locking systems and access solutions of Winkhaus. The family-owned company, rich in tradition, is located in Telgte, Münster and Meiningen and has international subsidiaries in eight countries.

Measures to prevent forms of modern slavery and forced labour

Within the group of companies, Winkhaus prohibits all forms of modern slavery, forced labour and child labour, exploitation and discrimination. Winkhaus is committed to the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Global Compact (UNGC), the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the core labour standards of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
Ensuring fair local working conditions is an integral part of the Winkhaus corporate culture. Further internal guidelines for example Compliance Guideline etc. concretise the regulations to be complied with.
The Code of Conduct of the Winkhaus Group, revised in 2021, has been sent to all employees in Germany and abroad. All employees of the Winkhaus Group are sensitised to the topics of the Code of Conduct in training courses.
The Code of Conduct is brought to the attention of new employees and colleagues. During training courses, it is expressly pointed out that, in particular, there is a clear prohibition of forced labour and child labour and that the Winkhaus group of companies prohibits any form of exploitation and/or discrimination.

Measures in the Winkhaus supply chain

Winkhaus calls upon its suppliers to comply and act with the Code of Conduct of the BME - German Association of Materials Management, Purchasing and Logistics e.V. and the Code of Conduct of the Winkhaus Group of Companies. The ethical guidelines described in this BME Code of Conduct are based principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Global Compact (UNGC), the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the core labour standards of the International Labour Organisation (International Labour Organisation - ILO). In addition the UN Conventions on the Rights of the Child and on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against women and the OECD Guidelines for international companies are valid. Furthermore, the Winkhaus Group of Companies has set itself the goal of complying with the requirements of the German Supply Chain (LKSG) even before it comes into force (01.01.2024).
The BME Code of Conduct is available in 17 languages and obliges all executive bodies, managers and employees of suppliers to act in a legally compliant and ethically responsible conduct.
The BME Code of Conduct expressly emphasises that human rights must be respected and complied with. The same applies to the Code of Conduct of the Winkhaus Group. Accordingly these rules and regulations explicitly prohibit all forms of forced labour and the obligation to oppose all forms of discrimination. Furthermore the Code of Conduct commits to the Convention on the minimum age for admission to employment, to observe the prohibition of child labour and to support measures to to eliminate all forms of child labour.

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact our Head of Legal and Compliance, Mr. Sebastian M. Barella - If you prefer to be anonymous, please contact our external contact for whistleblowers Dr. Hansjörg Piehl, LL.M. – Law Firm Alpmann Fröhlich –


Winkhaus Modern Slavery and Trafficking Statement